If you’re like me, from time to time you find yourself at the store going back and forth between two products that deliver something similar. One of them offers a better experience, or some type of guarantee, while the other is just what it is – and if it doesn’t work, or doesn’t work…
Posts Tagged: life insurance
Have you ever felt disadvantaged in a contest – ill-prepared for an exam – or just plain misinformed? Whenever this happens you could find yourself on the losing end of something important. With life insurance, getting the best rate possible for your situation is very important, and should be the goal going into your…
Don’t Take Your Life Insurance to Vegas! Would you put your mortgage on a craps table and roll the dice? Or, would you be comfortable putting your annual income on a roulette table and then spin the wheel? When you purchase non-guaranteed life insurance, you’re actually doing both – and even more. You’re potentially…
It’s About Common Sense Everyone has an opinion — about everything, including life insurance. There is no formula, to determine the “right” amount of protection for your family, that is consistently accurate from individual to individual. Many advisors and salespeople use formulas that favor higher coverage amounts, and then advise their…
Think You’re Covered With Life Insurance Through Work? Think Again! Have you ever wondered how group life insurance works, or if you have good coverage on your employer’s group life plan? Here’s an excerpt from my book, The Life Insurance Marathon. I dedicated an entire chapter to group life insurance. At the end of this…
A Brief Summary This third and final chapter with our case study couple will take us through their life together as middle-aged parents; some of the unique challenges they face, and important decisions that need to be made. It includes a projection of their life insurance financial outcome to age 65, which is 40…
Our case study family is a little older now. They have experienced some changes with some ups and downs. Ten years covers a lot of ground with a growing family. Let’s take a look. Learning & Growing – The Active Family Jeff (35) and Lisa (35) now live in Bountiful, UT, just north…
Listen to the audio version of this blog post: Can you imagine receiving a check from your life insurance company for $20k, $30k, even $40k – and you’re still living? Hi. My name is Jon Marcroft. I’m the founder of Simplis Life and author of the book, The Life Insurance Marathon. I’ve been…
If life insurance is a back-up plan (as noted in “What is Life Insurance?”, Simplis blog), then Permanent Life Insurance is a back-up plan, with a back-up plan. Unlike Term Life Insurance, Permanent Life Insurance is very forgiving when it comes to being human. If you don’t make a premium payment, no problem. The accumulated…
If you gamble you know the feeling you get when you walk away from the table either happy or frustrated. Your post-gambling emotional state relies, at least in part, on your attitude before you even get started. Are you trying to make money, or just have some fun? Term Life Insurance is kind of like…