About the Author
A Message From Jon Marcroft
When I started in the insurance business, I was not looking for a career. Life had thrown me a curve ball, resulting in a major life transition. I had been through a difficult divorce and sold my business. I just needed to make some money while I was deciding what to do with the rest of my life. So, you could say I “fell in love by accident” with the insurance business.
It turns out I became fascinated with the products and helping people understand how they work. Over time, I discovered most people lack an understanding of how these products impact their life and the lives of their loved ones. For me, this discovery process happened over a period of years, as I continued to accumulate an ever-increasing understanding, through my observations and experience, of how insurance products play out over a long period of time. My favorite part of a meeting with a client has always been seeing the light bulb suddenly come on when they “get it”. Like most everything in life, it isn’t difficult to understand life insurance when there is full transparency.
Nothing is more important to the long-term health of the life insurance industry than creating a sustainable and transparent sales process. As all of us increase our awareness, through easy access to information about the products we depend upon, trust in the process and the delivery of accurate information is imperative to building long-term business/customer relationships. Unfortunately, the life insurance industry has been slow to provide increased transparency to consumers.
Life insurance companies rely, almost entirely, on sales agents to produce their revenue. Sales agents leverage their relationships with family, friends and other acquaintances to generate commissions for themselves, and revenue for the life insurance company they represent. There is nothing wrong with making an honest living. However, 97% of sales agents don’t make it past their third year. This means that most licensed sales agents are new at their profession, and generally don’t understand the longer-term ramifications of certain products – products their company trains them to sell.
By the time a customer begins to sense there is a problem with their life insurance policy, the sales agent they bought from has been out of the life insurance industry for many years. Accountability in this process is very hard to come by.
In part, this is why I wrote The Life Insurance Marathon. Its purpose is to provide the transparency that is necessary to make an informed, confident and solid decision for the protection of your family’s needs – both temporary and long-term. It was written with entertainment value in mind, so that there is just enough humor to make an insightful point, without at the same time, being irreverent with the subject matter.
It is my sincere hope that The Life Insurance Marathon will serve as a strong guide to you, and significantly reduce the amount of time and money you spend on this part of your financial foundation – your life insurance.
>>Get the entire book, The Life Insurance Marathon, on Amazon.com.
>>Ready now to get a free quote via email (no salesperson)? Try it here.
>>How much protection does your family need? Find out here.
>>Try PolicyQuest. Find out what type of life insurance policy is best for your situation.
About the Author
Jon Marcroft has been a career professional in the life insurance industry for more than 20 years. He is president of a multi-state independent life insurance agency, MFS Group, Inc., which is the parent company of Simplis Life.
Jon is a strong supporter of consumer empowerment. In 2015 he founded Simplis Life. SimplisLife.com is an award-winning website designed to empower consumers and simplify the life insurance purchasing experience.
He was recognized by the life insurance industry for his insights into consumer demand when he was selected to serve on a panel for the Life Insurance Marketing & Research Association’s (LIMRA) international conference.
Jon is also vice president of KINNECT, Inc., an investigations firm that operates within the financial regulatory system. He oversees the process of disbursements to beneficiaries and rightful heirs of unclaimed death benefits that have been reported by life insurance companies within the United States.
He was born in San Diego, California, raised in Greeley, Colorado, and currently lives with his lovely wife Lucy in Salt Lake City, Utah, where they often hang-out with the neighbor dogs, Bluebear and Popcorn. He is the proud parent of five adult children, and the grateful grandpa of one lively granddaughter.